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Shona Findlay

Shona Findlay

Regional Principal

What does your role entail?

As a Regional Principal, I oversee the teams working on Initial Teacher Education (ITE) and Partnerships, Marketing and Recruitment. We work together to ensure that our trainees, participants, teachers and leaders recieve excellent training in order to add to the life-chances of the children we teach. 

I liaise with the Harris Federation Directors, Principals and Teaching School Hubs. We work in partnership to ensure the very best programme for all participants at every stage of their career. The wellbeing of the Harris Institute team is paramount, and we monitor and adapt as required to ensure we are all able to do the job we love, with a positive impact. 

What are your credentials/experience to your current position?

Prior to starting this role, I have been the Lead Harris Federation Science Consultant, a member of SLT in different schools and an Advanced Skills Teacher (AST).  

I have always had a passion for Teaching and Learning and love sharing tips on how to effectively teach children from the younger enthusiast through the grumpier teenager to the sixth formers ready to spread their wings to university. My subject has, and always will be, physics. I love seeing the moment when the difficult concept is understood or an everyday occurence is explained using a scientific explanation.

What is the highlight of your role?

A highlight of one part of my role is when all our freshly qualified teachers introduce us to the family and friends who supported them through a transformational year. 

The teacher must adopt the role of facilitator not content provider.

Lev S. Vygotsky 

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